Honorary members
Noor Muhammad Qarqeen

Mr. Noor Muhammad Qarqeen, son of Haji Muhammad Qul, was born in 1953 in Khan Tapa village of Qarqeen district in the Jozjan province. After primary education in the Qarqeen district, he moved to Kabul and continued his further studies at the Habibia high school. Mr. Qarqeen proceeded to Kabul University and received his BA degree in Human Rights and Political Science.
Mr. Noor Muhammad Qarqin has performed the following duties:
• Member of the Uzbek department and Head of Turkish language in the Directorship of Editing and Translation of the Ministry of Education
• Academic member of the Afghanistan Science Academy at the Institute of Language and Literature (head of Turkish language and literature)
• Chairperson of Gas and Oil in Hairatan
• Member of Jihadi Council in the Islamic government of Afghanistan during the first period
• Member of Hal and Aqd Council
• Member of Loya Jirga (national Assembly) in Rome
• Member of Independent commission for convening of Emergency Loya Jirga
• Member of Emergency Loya Jirga in 2002
• Cabinet Member of in Constitution’s Loya Jirga
• Minister of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and the Disabled in the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan
• Minister of Education
• Minister of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and the Disabled
Mr. Qarqeen also was Implementing Board Member of the Turkish Humanitarian Global Implementation Organization and has received a literary prize from the Ministry of Information and Culture, as well as receiving the Golden Medal (Proud) from the government of Turkmenistan. His Excellence has written on a large number of topics around the developments of history and literature of Turkish people. He has lived in India and Turkey as an immigrant and had formal trips to Germany, Italy, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Unions of Arabs, Iran, Tajikistan, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Switzerland.