

Professor Nazaraliev has studied anti-narcotics experience in Malaysia

At the end of January, President of the World League “Mind Free of Drugs” Jenishbek Nazaraliev has made a study of positive experience of the fight against drugs and drug abuse in Malaysia. It is a federal state in Southeast Asia, whereat the majority of the population (55%) are Muslims. This trip is related to reprinting of the Fatal Red Poppies book in Arabic in 2016. For this purpose Professor Nazaraliev is gathering anti-drug activity information in the Muslim countries. The list of 47 world’s countries he had visited before will be expanded in this year with Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Morocco and Algeria.

In Malaysia President of the World League had conversations with high-ranking officials and ordinary people: Mr. Nur Jazlan Mohamed, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs of the Kingdom, Madame Hafisah Binti Adam, Assistant Director of the Narcotic Crimes Department of the Royal Police, CEO of the National Anti Drug Agency (NADA) Mr. Suhaimi Bin Abdullah and Mr. Datuk Yunus Pathi, the founder of the largest rehabilitation clinic Pengasih for drug abusers and ordinary residents of Kuala Lumpur.

Professor Nazaraliev found out that drugs come into Malaysia from Golden Triangle countries which are Thailand, Myanmar and Laos. But the main potion suppliers are Nigeria and Iran. Most of the drugs are imported by means of illegal traffic: drugs get into freights that are made as a transit, and the Malaysian Customs are not allowed to open and inspect them. As a result, drugs are accumulated in the country, and freights released from the drugs are directed to the endpoint of delivery.

There are four agencies fighting with drug trafficking in Malaysia: Customs, Migration Service, the Police Department and the National Agency for Drug Control. 16 thousand employees work in the area of counter proliferation of prohibited substances. The most spectacular subdivision is the STING elite law-enforcement (the abbreviation can be read as "the sting" in English).

In addition to combating drug trafficking, a significant problem is the clandestine manufacture of synthetic drugs crystals like methamphetamine, ecstasy and Smoking blends. Drug laboratories are constantly changing location in country territory and for the last three years the security agencies have detected 30 of these handicraft works. However, synthetic drug production growth is fixed at 10% per year. 

The largest numbers of drug addicts are at the age 25 to 29 in the country. Drugs are relatively cheap: for instance, 1 gram of cocaine will cost 1.3 thousand ringgit, heroin – 350. But the greatest demand is for methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana and ecstasy.

Hanging is the supreme penalty for drug trafficking in Malaysia. It threatens to those who are caught with a kilo of cannabis or 100 g of hard drugs. This is quite a large amount for conventional consumers and consequently they are safe from death penalty.

National Anti Drug Agency (NADA) in Malaysia highly appreciated an activity of President of the World League and presented a letter of gratitude. The Royal Malaysia Police donated him an insignia of the institution: “With best wishes from the Royal Police of Malaysia”.