

Doctor Life: fruitful 2012 and astonishing 2013?

2012 was the most productive and busy in the history of public nongovernmental organization. But in the 2013, there will be not less interesting events.

"Doctor Life"

Reality TV is absolutely new to the television genre and thus the authors of the Doctor Life Reality TV are to continue developing this idea. As a result, authors have obtained a new at times harsh material on rehabilitation of drug addicted people. Jenishbek Nazaraliev gleaned this idea as a result of observations of his patients that used to record everything in cameras.

Besides that at least once a year different journalists and cinematographers pay visit to Professor with interest in author’s method of treatment of Professor Nazaraliev. All these factors led to creation of the idea to gather eight drug addicts in one project dedicated to the process of rehabilitation and introduction of author’s method with no cuts. In the end, organizers got 19-episode project that was recommended for broadcasting in central televisions for its drug prevention and educational values.  

Though shooting of the episodes is finished a new project telling us about aftermath life of participants to appear soon. No clues and comments are given. But we can expect a new quality of the project. And still a question on aftermath life of project participants is open. We will learn about it in 2013.

Maya contest launched in 2010 and aimed at attracting user content showed higher results in 2012. More than 250 author images, most of which are of creative or documentary nature, 43 self-made antinarcotic videos, 450 drawings and hundreds of confession stories were sent to the contest.

But anti-drug project ‘Maya’ is not only about contest but 500 original news on drugs, drug-related articles, two international conferences on drug addiction with participation of more than 100 globally acknowledged experts. What’s next?

The consequences of withdrawal of NATO military troops from Afghanistan, drug legalization issues in developed countries are to be discussed in 2013. But the most interesting point lies in announcement of contest winners that lasted for more than two years