Transcontinental auto marathon “No to hard drugs!”

Transcontinental auto marathon “No to hard drugs!”

Collected: $0

Goal: $0

Days Left: 315

March Parade “Planet Earth” is a general title of a systematic approach and propaganda of the World League “Mind Free of Drugs” healthy ideology.

The main objective of the planetary march parade, is to attract as many participants and indifferent individuals of the planet’s population as possible, especially to attract young generation. This will serve as a form of social unity in withstanding the global drug addiction spread.

A special team, headed by Prof. Jenishbek Nazaraliev, will be realizing a transcontinental motor rally for 2 years in 49 world countries and 67 cities, which were included to the stages of the "Planet Earth" program.

The replay race will be passed from city to city, from president to president. The symbolic torch lightened at the Mountain of Salvation will be carried and passed from nation to nation. Accordingly, each march Parade will be given the name of the city or place where it will be carried out. A symbolic first stone will be laid for the future building of the spiritual and architectural memorial to the victims of drug addiction. The symbolic ritual of laying the capsule with the Appeal to the Mankind of the XXII Century and erection of the World League’s flag is to be completed at the most significant and popular mountains such as:  (Everest, Fujiyama, Kilimanjaro etc.).

The realization of the March Parade will be carried out in the countries where the problem of drug addiction is critical and very actual. These are mainly the countries of drug trafficking routs, transit countries, manufacturing countries, and countries with the highest abuse rates.

The ideological aspect is to form an informational-psychological controversy against the pandemic. Global tendency against drugs must be initiated from the East and Tashtar-Ata, which is located at the crossings of the drug trafficking routs, will serve as symbolic place for pilgrimage.

Accordingly, each country will have its name for the Parade, e.g. Planet “Kabul”, Planet “Delhi”, etc. and will have its deep, uniting key for planetary unity of all countries in order to withstand the evil of narcotization.

More than a million people will be participating in each Parade in each country. March Parade Planet Earth is an alternative to the world popular "Love Parade".

The results of the resonance in terms of global prophylactics will be much higher in comparison to direct ones. As the Olympic Games in ancient Greece established peace between the warring states, carrying out this action will be the key to unite efforts of all classes of society, genuine participation of young people, the unity of all states in the fight against drug addiction.


  • To maximally attract the attention of the global society towards the problem of addiction and its illicit trade;
  • Work with youth and young generation, compromise, and earn trustworthy authority and reputation among young population of our planet;
  • To create the atmosphere of a positive unity, and to take part in formation of a new drug free life style, healthy trends and fashion;
  • To announce the unity of the World League’s ideas, and each participant, organize and realize specially developed social events and actions;
  • To create a pleasant ideological base for social drug rejection at the level of mems, messages sent, and preventive methods, rather than facing consequences of narcotization;
  • Maximal attraction of youth in to the World League “Mind Free of Drugs”;
  • Membership expansion;
  • Geographic expansion of the World League “Mind Free of Drugs”.


In October 2002, a March Parade “Planet Bishkek” took its start in Bishkek city, Kyrgyzstan. This is was the first stage of the international planetary project March Parade Planet Earth. The motto “No to Hard Drugs” could unite thousands of students, citizens and guests of the Capital.