The world needs you!
On 26 June 2014, the International Day Against Drug Addiction and its Illegal Trade, a large-scale campaign “The World Needs You!” will be launched by the socially oriented organization World League Mind Free of Drugs.
“The World Needs you!" is a call for all drug addicts and an appeal motivating them to fight the addiction in the name of their loved ones and personal self. When a person is stuck inside narcotic illusions, one forgets why (s)he came into this world. We want to remind all who suffer from addiction what it feels like to contribute to society and how it feels to love, to be loved, to be appreciated and to be needed. These are all worth fighting for.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 3% of the world population suffers from drug addiction. This is millions of people needing treatment and rehabilitation. They are capable of improving their lives; they are capable of contributing to their communities and their countries.
To this end the World League “Mind Free of Drugs” is proud to announce this charitable event, which embraces the entire planet and will be conducted in the 194 countries which were officially recognized by the UN organization in 2014 as having critical addiction levels.
The aim of the campaign “The World Needs You!” is to motivate as many people as possible to make the decision to undergo treatment and rehabilitation, and completely battle and beat their addictions.
Our mission is to bring forth the harsh reality of the problem of addiction in each given country and community, to reveal the reasons for addiction, and to demonstrate a positive example for rehabilitation. We want to show a “success story” that will serve as a role model and inspiration for thousands of drug addicts from different countries.
To this purpose, we will invite one candidate from each country for free treatment and rehabilitation at the Nazaraliev Medical Centre facilities in Kyrgyzstan. With the help of mass media we will demonstrate to the millions of viewers how the patients battle with addiction. The final success cannot be fully guaranteed for every single patient, but Professor Nazaraliev will contribute all his efforts to help patients who will be participating in this project to attain a full recovery.
During the first stage in 2014-2015, the project “The World Needs You!” will cover 23 Arabic countries (near East and North Africa), where due to political instabilities, the change of political regimes and the growth of urbanization, the number of drug addicted people grows and the market for drugs spreads by capturing new territories.
According to terms of the project, each country will be allocated one month for participation. During this month, all who are willing to participate in the free treatment campaign will need to fill out a special application form on our website: All applications will be evaluated and one randomly chosen person will be invited to our clinic in Kyrgyzstan, for a completely free rehabilitation program.
The treatment process will be available for observation to the whole world, not only to the country where the patient is originally from.
Members of "The world needs you!":
The first participant of the project "The World Needs You!”
Tamer Muhammad Abdullah R.
Age: 39
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah

The second participant of the project "The World Needs You!"
Mohammed Abdelmaksud
Age: 40
Egypt, Cairo

The forth participant of the project "The World Needs You!"
Aibek Karygulov
Age: 41
Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

The seventh participant of the project "The World Needs You!"
Age: 36 years
Algeria city, Algeria

The eighth participant of the project "The World Needs You!"
Возраст: 31 год
Страна: Сектор Газа, Палестина