Doctor Life
In the context of its long-term vision and 50-year program against drug abuse and its illicit trade, the World League has released a unique, socially-oriented, prophylactic project named “Doctor Life”. Eight patients from Russia, Germany and the United States were chosen to participate in the project. They underwent the entire treatment process, demonstrating the wealth of issues that come within drug addiction to a worldwide audience. They shared what it is like to be a drug addict and they were tasked to complete all three stages of of Dr Nazaraliev’s treatment process methodology, but only four made it to the end.
The premier of the reality show was on 12 September 2012. The 19 episode reality project was broadcasted on the web site: and the project was broadcasted in 7 world languages: Russian, Spanish, English, Arabic, French, Japanese and Chinese.
The "Doctor Life" TV-project aimed to:
1. reveal the effects of the drug pandemic across the world and prevent its use.
2. form a more tolerant societal attitude towards drug addicts.
3. demonstrate Dr Nazaraliev’s effective treatment method, thereby suggesting an alternative to the existing treatment methods for alcoholism and drug addiction.
The filming of the project took 70 days in total. During this time, the reality show was viewed in more than 190 countries. An open discussion was conducted on social media and the broadcasting portal:
Our society’s perception about drug addicts started changing in a positive way. People started to deeply understand and realize that drug addicts are ordinary people with common needs like all of us, but they just lost their way and need help to be redirected. People also witnessed that drug addiction can and must be treated! Everyone deserves a chance to be treated. "We do not make promises, we give you a chance!", was the main motto of the reality program, and it was widely demonstrated and implemented.
A year later our viewers met our heroes again, demonstrating their lives after the treatment. The World League is also planning to start filming second season of the reality show, with new drug addicts coming for treatment as their a last hope.
All additional information about the reality project, its participants and authors can be found here: